Email Marketing

Email is still one of the best ways to get in front of your customers, especially a B2B audience. So how can we help you stand out in a noisy inbox?

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Why use email marketing?

Some may tell you email marketing is dead, but as part of a digital marketing strategy, it has a vital role to play in generating and nurturing your B2B leads.

When you regularly share useful, interesting content that makes people want to hear from you, there are only benefits.

  • Nurture existing relationships
  • Find new customers
  • Make more sales

Email sequences for corfinancial following content download saw a typical open rate between 33% and 66%

Find out how we helped corfinancial with email marketing


How we manage your email marketing

We’ll draw on our experience in B2B email to craft sequences, subject lines and content that keep your target customers clicking.

What makes an effective email marketing campaign?

  • A great first impression
    We help you identify new targets, and spark their interest in your business.
  • Full integration
    Every part of your digital marketing strategy must work together. From social media to advertising and content strategy, our campaigns will support all your other activities.
  • Nurturing your prospects
    We produce personalised, targeted campaigns that appeal to your contacts and strengthen your relationships.
  • Responsiveness
    We track which parts of your emails people engage with, and adapt what they receive based on their preferences.


Working together

Your goals will be at the heart of everything we do.

We’ll get to know your team, your business, and where you’re going, and create campaigns that help you get there.

Your expertise will stand out

We’ll find the best way to articulate what you have to offer to your customers.

You’ll find out what works

There’s no one size fits all, so we’ll use testing, data and analysis to work out what type of emails your customers like best.

“The team were always positive, and when presented with changes and challenges from SMART, their approach was solutions focused and I always had full confidence that the project would be delivered to a high standard and meet all of our goals.”

Find out how we supported SMART